Posted Date: 02/25/2013
Approved Date: 02/25/2013
Approved By: Giantessbooru
Posted By: verdi7
Artist: N/A
Source Link: [Link]
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Ghoudly 2/25/2013 2:48:18 PM Rating: 0

Wow! Great picture!
Does anyone else think that looks kinda like Wonder Woman?
Bobbob 2/25/2013 3:32:11 PM Rating: 0

At the risk of nerding it up a notch, I think it's supposed to be Jean Grey from X-men... I could be very wrong, though.
Captainbobey 2/25/2013 4:07:03 PM Rating: 0

I think, keeping the Disney theme, that its actually the evil witch from snow white
Sheela 2/25/2013 4:13:34 PM Rating: 0

Definitely is the Evil Queen.
Bobbob 2/25/2013 5:23:15 PM Rating: 0

You're definitely right. I was wondering why she had a gold thing on her head.
Xoct 2/25/2013 11:11:10 PM Rating: 0

It is unmistakable, Tinkerbell is being toyed with by the Evil Queen. Love this picture

Fun Fact: The Evil Queen's name is actually Grimhilde :D
gwild 2/26/2013 12:50:19 PM Rating: 0

amazing concept and quality!
johnvictor 2/27/2013 8:49:49 AM Rating: 0

man is evil, havent u ever been children? XD
Ghoudly 2/27/2013 11:13:24 PM Rating: 0

Ahh yes I see that it is in fact the Evil Queen now, thank you for pointing that out.
ArtimusG 2/28/2013 2:29:22 AM Rating: 0

The Evil Queen's name is Maleficent.
seiya88 2/28/2013 3:14:21 AM Rating: 0

Let us not confuse two different character please ;_; ! Maleficent is in Disney's 'Sleeping beauty' antagonist.
Grimhilde (character present in this picture) is 'Snow White's' antagonist
Xoct 2/28/2013 5:45:49 PM Rating: 0

seiya88 I could not have said that better myself.
verdi7 3/1/2013 6:25:35 AM Rating: 0

now we just need a live version of this. keep julia roberts as tinkerbell. dunno who will play the queen though.
Chuck 4/30/2015 3:08:00 PM Rating: 0

This oldie gets a bump. You know, a duplicate was around, we got rid of it, yaddah yaddah...