User Comments Giantess-Katelyn

Giantess-Katelyn 4/30/2024 4:58:34 PM Rating: 0

Our tag synonym list has been updated with these changes. Thanks for your suggestions.
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Giantess-Katelyn 4/30/2024 4:41:32 PM Rating: 0

It sounds like the discrepancy you're describing is due to account type - what a member vs mod or admin sees. That is helpful to know, thanks.
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Giantess-Katelyn 4/25/2024 1:18:06 PM Rating: 0

The image you're referring to was in the deletion queue and has now been recovered. To get a moderator to add a missing tag please let us know in the comments of an image. You can also click the "Low Quality or Unrelated" field and enter something like "Missing tag: tag_name" and then click the "Place in Moderation" button. (If you did this then it was deleted by mistake) We always appreciate tag suggestions, thank you.
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Giantess-Katelyn 4/25/2024 12:55:51 PM Rating: 0

You're right- this is a good example of a low quality collage. It's feedback like yours that is helpful to the entire team so we can all try to be consistent with marking images like this as low quality. Thanks.
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Giantess-Katelyn 4/24/2024 7:34:51 PM Rating: 0

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Giantess-Katelyn 12/29/2023 6:04:45 PM Rating: 0

Pete is still working on some fixes at SCB, favorites included, but is now live! I will be taking this site down soon, so see you there! ✌️
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Giantess-Katelyn 12/27/2023 1:31:24 PM Rating: 0
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Giantess-Katelyn 12/26/2023 8:52:37 PM Rating: 0

Jonathan: All of the images will all be available at the upcoming website when it is launched.
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Giantess-Katelyn 12/20/2023 12:36:01 PM Rating: 1

As a gentle reminder, please refrain from posting any comments that are disrespectful, inflammatory, or negative towards other members, as this violates our community guidelines. We have removed some of the comments that did not meet our standards, and relating ones. We understand that disagreements may arise, but we ask you to keep the discussion civil and constructive. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
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Giantess-Katelyn 12/18/2023 2:57:52 PM Rating: 3

Please be rest assured that the websites will remain separate. Stipulations were agreed to before the transfer and I will be sharing more detail with you soon. Once the site is up and running on his end we will let everyone know. Until then please continue to enjoy browsing the current site.
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Giantess-Katelyn 12/13/2023 11:27:19 PM Rating: 18

I'm pleased to announce that I have come to an agreement with the well trusted owner of Giantess City and will be in the process of transferring the website to him. He's a highly experienced programmer and will be able to take care of needed fixes and run the site well for everyone. Giantess Booru will continue to be free for the community and have similar policies in effect. I will be helping administer the new site when I can and there will be a new call out for volunteers who wish to help with moderation. Until the transfer is complete and the new site is ready for launch I am going to continue hosting it as long as I can. We have the community's best interest at heart and would like to gift the continuation of Giantess Booru to the Giantess community out of our love and support for it. Please give him a huge thanks if you have a moment because this would not be possible without him. <3
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Giantess-Katelyn 12/11/2023 6:15:09 PM Rating: 5

It is with great regret that I inform you that the closure of GiantessBooru is imminent. I know that this may be disappointing for some of you, and I appreciate your compassion and support. If you want to know more about the factors that led to this decision or want to stay connected with me, please visit my other website where I will post more information about this soon.
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Giantess-Katelyn 11/14/2023 1:30:25 PM Rating: 4

@qeex: If you do not wish to see them then you can add ai_art to your Tag Filters under My Account
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Giantess-Katelyn 6/23/2023 11:45:11 AM Rating: 2

LordGTS: There is no reason for you to feel sorry. AI has given you a way to start something new and contribute to the community. You already have some fans here with the favorites, but I understand how it is to be a content creator and face different kinds of feedback. Unless it's constructive and helpful, it can feel pretty bad. The most important thing is to love what you're doing and have fun with it. Don't worry about pleasing everyone, because that's impossible. Just focus on yourself, your passion, and the people who support your content. <3
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Giantess-Katelyn 6/22/2023 12:41:13 PM Rating: 0

DudeMeistro: I agree that AI image creation currently doesn't compare to the skill of a genuine artist. Especially one that pours their love and passion into their creations and upholds a high quality standard. While some AI images have been intriguing, it's also quite obvious that the technology has a lot of room to grow and develop. Any uploads that have glaring errors are subject to deletion. If you prefer not to see any of the AI images on this website, you can easily exclude them by adding the “ai_art” tag to your custom filters here: I hope this helps.
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Giantess-Katelyn 6/21/2023 4:02:01 PM Rating: 0

Envi, I would love to have you back on the mod team! If you are interested in rejoining, simply let me know (comment, pm, or email) and I will restore your mod privileges as soon as I see it.
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Giantess-Katelyn 5/28/2023 1:21:38 PM Rating: 2

I appreciate your feedback on this image. I know some of you may not like it, but it does already have 5 favorites from other members, which is more than some other approved images. So it seems appropriate to let it stay since it clearly has some appeal in the community here. We're already pretty strict what we accept for POVs (images without a visible size difference and left to ones imagination), but I understand your concerns and I'll be a bit more selective with images like this in the future.
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Giantess-Katelyn 5/26/2023 3:34:03 PM Rating: 0

POVs are acceptable if they're of high enough quality, and this image has good detail. The uploader did tag it as "micro" which was removed since I couldn't find one... or perhaps he (or she!) is truly too small to see with the naked eye! xD
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Giantess-Katelyn 5/16/2023 2:09:55 PM Rating: 8

Hello everyone, I’m writing to you today to share some news and updates about GiantessBooru, our moderation team, and website improvements. First of all, I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for GTSWriter, who has recently stepped down from his role as a moderator. GTSWriter has been a pillar of our community for many years, and he has contributed immensely to the growth and quality of GiantessBooru. He went above and beyond; tagged over 10K images, uploaded nearly 300 images, has made over 1K comments (adding stories to images, helping members, and adding to the community), and has been a massive help all around. He is a mod legend in my eyes, and I’m sure in yours too. So please join me in giving him a big round of applause and a heartfelt thank you for his service and dedication. You rock, GTSWriter! GTSWriter’s departure also made me realize that we need to revamp our moderation team and make sure we have enough active and enthusiastic mods to keep GB running smoothly and beautifully. That’s why I have been on a mission to recruit new moderators and to reconnect with the inactive ones. I’m happy to announce that we now have two new moderators: LDT and CaliTea! Welcome aboard! I know that our community is not very vocal (I see you, lurkers ^_~), but we do have THOUSANDS of visitors per day who enjoy browsing our awesome collection of images. And that’s thanks to you, our loyal and generous artists and members who upload and our mods who tag images and help at GB. You are all the lifeblood of this website, and I’m so grateful for all of your support and participation in the community here. As the owner of this website, I want you to know that I care deeply about maintaining GiantessBooru as a contribution to the Giantess community, even though my main focus has to be on my other site ( that pays the bills around here. This website is yours to enjoy, and after a community member graciously reached out about the inactive mod team (thank you LDT), it has become a top focus in my schedule to bring in a new mod team. Speaking of which, we could really use some more help. To be completely transparent we currently only have three confirmed active moderators: LDT and CaliTea, and myself. That’s not enough to handle the volume and variety of images that the website receives. So, if you are interested in joining our moderation team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via direct message here or email me at KatelynBrooks (at) gmail . com. Here are the mod requirements: (skip to next paragraph if not interested): 18+ well tempered / mature, keen eye for details, you can spot at least 5+ tags per image, are able to be regularly active. If you’ve found that you regularly comment with tag suggestions then you may be perfect to join the team as you’ve proven that you already care about good tags and have an eye for it! I would also like to announce that a few updates have been made at the site for your enjoyment: - Images now scale down to fit your screen; click to view at full size! - Tag list on left expanded; makes for fun tag exploration! - New note area on front page, check it out! Thank you for reading this long message. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying GiantessBooru. Cheers, Katelyn
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Giantess-Katelyn 5/16/2023 9:58:02 AM Rating: 0

Added. Thanks for the tag suggestions :)
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